well i have been getting quite a bit done lately onthe bronco,but getting things done has lead to more and more problems. i sanded/wire brushed everything and painted everything all nice and shiny, so i finally after much work i get the damn huge ass lift coils in there. i was expecting some c-shaped bending cause thats what these damn trucks jsut do. well the damn pasenger side coil has the c -shape to it more than the other coil does but it also has this neat s shaped curve that starts after the first one so it is all ****ed up. so now i get to disassemble the whole front end and buy a new cup and all that fun stuff, so while i am at it i am gonna fight my jewish tendencies and order the sierra bronco straightners. any ways it is gonna bea bad dude when it finally get rolling.

to tate, austin or bret or anyone if you have a spring bucket for my please let me know imedditally call 979-574-5870.

i hate me truck......