Quote Originally Posted by CLNethery View Post
After last nights meeting, I've got 20 current members who are planning on making it up there this year. We are pushing the forum pretty hard, so hopefully we will start to see activity pick up a bit with the current members and they will chime in on their plans. Out of the 20, majority will be passengers but we hope to have at least 5 rigs coming with us (they have two months to break/get fixed, so we'll see. Y'all know how that goes). We also pitched a t-shirt design contest at the meeting, alum are welcome to join in on the contest as well - just post your design on this thread.
Is the forum still set up so that someone has to approve members before they can post? I recall that I had to bug someone at the meetings (a few times) to make my account able to post. I don't know if that is still the case, but if you're pushing the forum, you might check it out.