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wasn't drunk either
That sucks. Are you going to give us a story to go along with pics?
the street turned 90* to the right, i hit it a little fast for the loose gravel. the ass end slid around... i got completly sideways and it rolled while fishtailing, so i ended up in the right hand side of the road on my pass side in a bar ditch facing the wrong way.
still gay
mo bullchit
damn man, that sucks ass
i'll answer questions when i get back- time to go get it from my friend's house.
can I have the inspection and reg. sticker :D
Nix, I don't know if anyone has worse luck than you do. Damn man...That sucks. I'm sorry.
May as well start looking in junk yards for a cab.
man that blows. i'll probly be in town this weekend so if you need any help with anything let me know.
that blowes, what is insurane going to say? Normal in TAMOR, this is the point were the truck becomes a rock rig. Looks like you were thinking ahead.
Hope it works out for the best. email me if you need any help (I have a freind who buys "totaled" cars and maybe find you a cab cheap).
Ding King :flipoff2:
sucks man
***...what a d!ck! guess he'll need the "Professional Grade Ultimate Kit" huh? :flipoff2:
that sucks ass man... but look at it this way... you may be able to buy it back from the insurance company for less than you owe on it now... dont feel bad i rolled mine too this past week... good luck with everything
ahem....no you MAY NOT! its a FORD! :flipoff2:
okay ladies. thanks for the suggestions. my options are as follows- insurance, they might total it, or might fix it... OR i chop the top off, build a 6pt cage and see if i can run a CJ or YJ soft top on it. i like the second idea better.
anybody have REAL experience with insurance claims??? will they pay it off, or will they give me blue book value? if they pay it off, i will not have the $$ to buy it back OR buy anything else... i'll be screwed. if they give me blue book, and its more than i owe- i'll pay off the truck and buy back the ranger, execute option 2 above and save $$ to buy a DAILY/TOW rig.
i dunno what to do here- i'm really torn. mechanically its in great shape... just the windows are busted out and the doors are ****ed.
i have a reputable insurance co- FARMERS INSURANCE. my dad is being a pissy little b!tch and hasn't even talked to me bc he's mad that his insurance might go up. so i dunno if i'll even claim it. anybody have any INTELLIGENT comments or suggestions about the soft top idea?? how hard would it be? i want to get a cage anyway--- if i just built it along the lines of a "jeep" cage then the only tough part would be matching it up to the body and making some chitty little removeable doors.Quote:
Originally posted by eight
If it was stock they'd give you blue book value, more than one would sell for. Not sure what they're gonna say about your mods. But if you have one of those cheap insurance companies you may have to get a lawyer after them.
i think you ought to just fix the cab. it looks bad ass(before you rolled it anyway). i personally would not want to have the hassle of cutting off the roof. might cause a lot of structural strength problems. if it were me, i would fix the cab and exo cage it.
got any better pix of before the roll, but after the flat bed?
That really sucks - sorry man.... not that I have any experience in the area.
I have never owed money on a truck that I have rolled but have always claimed insurance, bought the truck back, and spent the spare money building it. I would assume that Farmers would give you blue book and you would have to pay it off with that.
My suggestion depends on how much you owe on it and if you can afford another daily driver/tow rig while STILL paying for your "trail" rig.
What the hell does your dad have to do with your insurance - are you still sixteen or something - don't you have your own policy???
Don't do a custom top. Ask Chris Scotti about that
First step - call insurance see what they say and get off your daddy's account so he stops complaining. Go from there depending on the insurance money...
don't have any pre-rollover pics with the flatbed. sorry man.Quote:
Originally posted by StevenAg03
i think you ought to just fix the cab. it looks bad ass(before you rolled it anyway). i personally would not want to have the hassle of cutting off the roof. might cause a lot of structural strength problems. if it were me, i would fix the cab and exo cage it.
got any better pix of before the roll, but after the flat bed?
the reason i'm on my dad's policy is that i cannot find cheaper coverage anywhere. $125 a month for full coverage is pretty good. i'm gonna let the body shop guys at my dealership give me an estimate... i'll go from there.Quote:
Originally posted by redcagepatrol
That really sucks - sorry man.... not that I have any experience in the area.
I have never owed money on a truck that I have rolled but have always claimed insurance, bought the truck back, and spent the spare money building it. I would assume that Farmers would give you blue book and you would have to pay it off with that.
My suggestion depends on how much you owe on it and if you can afford another daily driver/tow rig while STILL paying for your "trail" rig.
What the hell does your dad have to do with your insurance - are you still sixteen or something - don't you have your own policy???
Don't do a custom top. Ask Chris Scotti about that
First step - call insurance see what they say and get off your daddy's account so he stops complaining. Go from there depending on the insurance money...
I don't know what Farmer's does, but the way I've understood is that some insurance companies give you the money to replace the truck (if it's totalled) and then you have to provide reciepts for the rest of the junk that got broken (lift, tires, etc.) and they may/may not buy those for you.
When dealing with the aftermath of "the Miata incident", Farmers was very cool with me. I did a lot of the work, and they bought a ton of parts. We did a lot of transactions where I bought the parts and Farmers reimbursed me. Hopefully, you'll get a good adjuster like I did. No matter what you do, KEEP EVERY RECEIPT!!! It will save you a lot of hassle in the long run.
BTW: keep the cab, it look(ed) awesome
oK nix, no smartass comment, i'm holdin it back.....j/k
for one, that sucks, for two i'd price a cab at a junkyard and do that route rather or not insurence pulls through. My bro wrecked his z71 we got estimates for about 2800, got a check and did the work ourselves, had someone paint it and still had like 900 left over. I'd try to go this route. You know though that they're gonna prolly try and pull the bull**** of lift and tire caused the **** to roll so make sure and fight it somehow. Make sure and have a good storry ready and stick with it. Whatever you do don't chop the top. If anything leave it like it is, maybe straighten it a bit and then exo it. Maybe weld the doors shut and pull a dukes of hazard but do put on the exo.
By the way what happend? Do you think it was caused by the swap? And this should have been our first question, are you OK? Did you have you seatbelt on?
Hope everything swings your way.
if you can't make it to the Pirate 4x4 bash - I want your spot!!!:D
If he can't make it I already have his spot reserved for troy... sorry Scott.
Well then, I will be taking DavidO's spot...:D
Oh ye of little faith... :D :D
No you right...you'll be taking David's spot.
1st off, glad to hear that you're ok.
2nd, Scott, you're a fag.1
3rd, when I rolled my (unmodified S10), they gave me "market value" which is loosely based on KBB and your local market. I had State Farm. The check was phat.... then they cancelled me. I took that money and my "buy a motorcycle" summer fun and bought the 4Runner. The rest, as they say, is history.
Finally, This is what I would do if it were me. Call today and claim it. That's why you have insurance, don't be affraid to use it. It's WAY too much of a hit to just absorb. Unlike some of the others, I would do the same thing that I though Chris Scotti should have done several years back. I would take the money, then buy the truck back. I think Scott & Ash's track records prove that to be a productive route. I however WOULD NOT fix it. I would not waste my time or money replacing the cab. The reason why is because it's already passed the hardest part of owning a "pretty" trail rig... taking the first hit. Now that it's past, just keep on using it as a trail rig. After looking at all of the body damage that was done over Spring Break, this truck is in a perfect position to make a bad ass trail rig with. It's going to come on the cheap from the insurance company because there's hardly anything on it that is of any value to an auto recycler. I WOULD cut the top off. A topless rig is WAY cooler than one with a top. The cage would be more than enough to make up for the strength lost by cutting the cage off. Take your door skins and make some half doors, and you're on your way.
Although I'm building my rig so that it hopefully will not take much body damage, I'm not going to go replacing panels if I dent them. That's part of it. I'm probably going to be pretty pissed the first time I really nail something, but after a couple of times, I won't care any more... and that will make it that much more fun. To have a well built rig that you can just go out and wheel, and not worry about what happens to the sheetmetal, that's sweet. Chris had an obnoxious amount of coverage on his when it was rolled. That's why his wasn't totalled. But the money that he got was still enough to pay off the truck, do a DIY hack and cage & SA conversion, and still have enough left to make a down payment. At this point, his daily driver is a HEAVILY modified, VERY high 4Runner. It's not terribly economical, comfortable, or reliable. It may never be again. That's not a good thing for a daily driver. Even if I didn't have the money to put down and make payments on a sweet tow rig, I would cash out of the Ranger and graduate it to fun rig status. I would take the leftover cash and buy a "bridge vehicle". Something that would get me from A to B to C for a while until it became feasible and important enough to get something else. Again, I would NOT reinvest a lot of money into the beautification of a vehicle that I use to thrash around on the trails with. It's a lot more fun when you know that you don't have to depend on that rig to get you to school or work on Monday.
That's my $.02. Good luck with it.
DavidO will be taking DavidO's spot, period. I'll be waving big middle fingers at all of you fawkers from the passenger seat. :flipoff2:
Originally posted by Cajun
DavidO will be taking DavidO's spot, period. I'll be waving big middle fingers at all of you fawkers from the passenger seat. :flipoff2:
Good thing David is building that thing with one ton axles... you fawkers are putting a lot of load (Read: ass) in there for its test run... save a few flipoffs for me big man :D ...
so there's another DavidO around now?
I do agree that it would be best for you to try to claim it, let them total it out, get your estimates or whatever, then get on your own insurance and it wont affect your dad, but just FYI adam, Kelly Blue Book on your truck right now is $11,750 ( www.kbb.com ). if the insurance would only give you that much tell 'em to go f*ck themselves b.c. as far as i'm aware you still owe $12-13K? I just think it would suck to still be paying on that thing after this. I also agree about not fixing it. just one step closer to looking like that black ranger in the pics :flipoff2: . Straighten the pillars w/ a BIG FUKKING HAMMER, take the doors completely off...all four of 'em...and plexy glass the two windows. i think foley got a good deal on some plexy @ home depot up by his house, might talk to him to see how much it was. Then add a cage, internal...external...nocturnal...who cares, just put one in...and paint it grey to mock scott :flipoff2: primer's cheap anyway.
i talked to the body shop at my dealership- they said the insurance guy would total it almost undoubtedly. i found a COMPLETE, undamaged ranger body, minus the bed, for $1200... i am about $1175 short on funds. they also said FORD does not sell replacement cabs for ANY truck except supercrew F-150s.. basically- i can claim it on my insurance, and risk them totalling it, and telling me it ain't worth chit bc of my mods.Quote:
Originally posted by stinger7401
oK nix, no smartass comment, i'm holdin it back.....j/k
for one, that sucks, for two i'd price a cab at a junkyard and do that route rather or not insurence pulls through. My bro wrecked his z71 we got estimates for about 2800, got a check and did the work ourselves, had someone paint it and still had like 900 left over. I'd try to go this route. You know though that they're gonna prolly try and pull the bull**** of lift and tire caused the **** to roll so make sure and fight it somehow. Make sure and have a good storry ready and stick with it. Whatever you do don't chop the top. If anything leave it like it is, maybe straighten it a bit and then exo it. Maybe weld the doors shut and pull a dukes of hazard but do put on the exo.
By the way what happend? Do you think it was caused by the swap? And this should have been our first question, are you OK? Did you have you seatbelt on?
Hope everything swings your way.
we figure i owe about 10K... insurance might give me around 6K.... then try to sell it back to me for 2K. so i get out with 4K... but they raise my payments and in 2 years i've already payed more than that in increased premiums. i dunno.... i'm still leaning toward 6pt cage no doors and jeep winshield.
i am fine, thanks for axing. i did have my seatbelt on, and walked away with bruising and cuts.. nothing serious. DUKES of HAZZARD setup will not work bud-- the windows are eye level for me... it'd not be so graceful as beau and luke were.